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What is the Meaning of Your Dreams Based on MBTI Personality Types?

Before you read how your MBTI type affects your dreams, take this test. If you’re unfamiliar with the terminology, you can consult this page along the way.

The internet loves MBTI! There are multiple websites dedicated to this simple personality test. Communities and digital subcultures obsess about their four-letter type.

ENTJ, ISFP, ESFJ, Ni, extroverted Sensing, etc. Acronyms give us invaluable insights into our psyche. I first encountered this terminology in Jung’s work. Of course, he didn’t categorize them in such a streamlined fashion. Still, he laid the foundations for Briggs and her daughter Myers to create this introspective, self-report questionnaire.

I was astounded by the accuracy of some of the descriptions. It became a powerful tool when I truly understood the intricacies and connections between the functions.

While I’m not an expert in Jungian typology, I’ve talked with many people who are! They helped me understand why I thought and felt the way I did, why I make certain decisions, and they showed me the source of my fears and anxiety.

See, people who criticize MBTI have the false belief that it can explain and predict all of the details of your personality. From my perspective, it is simply a roadmap that shows you the way but not the destination.

One thing I’ve yet to fully grasp is how your MBTI type affects your dreams. The evidence suggests that your personality can determine the kinds of dreams you have.

Meaning of Your Dreams Based on MBTI Personality

Meaning of Your Dreams Based on MBTI Personality

This article will attempt to write short snippets for all 16 MBTI personality types and collect more data. Feel free to comment below on how accurate you think I was and add your perspective

ISTJ (Si – Te – Fi – Ne)

Leading with introverted Sensing, ISTJs retain their attention to detail and admirable memory even in their dreams. Yet, the suppressed Ne usually installs a layer of imaginary abstraction to create a surrealistic environment.

Dreams may include a familiar situation with a surprising visit or an unexpected event disrupting the industrial mind of the ISTJ. Maybe you’re late for work because an elephant is blocking the entrance of your house. Or, your anxiety about the brief you didn’t deliver last night is manifested as an old classmate that gave you trouble in school!

ESTJ (Te – Si – Ne – Fi)

Similar to their introverted counterparts, the dream of an ESTJ is usually grounded in reality but not without a special “flavor”.

In this case, introverted Feeling finds an escape from the highly conscientious upper stack (Te – Si). It helps you express emotions in animated ways.

Even though the structure isn’t missing, you’ll find that it’s your rich inner world that directs your dreams.

Your subconscious will help you experience all of the emotions that you left untapped during the waking hours, making your dreams very intense.

ISFJ (Si – Fe – Ti – Ne)

Harmony and tranquility in real life? Chaos and revolution in your dreams. The ISFJ is unbound by the demands of the tyrannical Fe and can freely roam the never-ending streets of imagination.

Future is the tagline of all your dreams. You can now dissect (Ti) the flashing visions of the layered possibilities (Ne) and choose your path.

Unapologetically, you start putting your needs and wants above all else. During your sleep, you’re able to talk to your future self. Listen carefully.

ESFJ (Fe – Si – Ne – Ti)

The otherwise bubbly and cheerful personality of the ESFJ becomes a serious pragmatist. In many cases, their dreams are a form of helpful punishment.

The inferior function of introverted Thinking will provide you with sharp and constructive criticism. What may appear like a nightmare is your psyche warning you.

Perhaps you made a rushed decision or trusted someone that didn’t deserve it. Your dream will show you how to course correct.

INTP (Ti – Ne – Si – Fe)

The internally consistent INTP remains in a state of limbo. How can he reconcile the calculated, almost cold, and purely logical self with the need to connect and harmonize the collective?

Your unmatched ability to create extremely efficient models is put to work during your dreams. Yet, your purpose is humancentric.

In your dreams, you are the center of attention but for a good reason. You might feel uncomfortable, but that’s exactly what your subconscious is trying to train you for!

To come out of your shelter and test your superior operative abilities in a setting that you might feel awkward in.

ENTP (Ne – Ti – Fe – Si)

Visions of sacrifice and return to tradition characterize the futurist ENTP. The inversion of their mode of operation shines a light on the missing piece that will fulfill their destiny.

You know what you’re capable of. The relentless pursuit of knowledge may leave you burned out.
Usually trapped in the confinements of abstraction, the inferior introverted Sensing – paired with the Feeling tertiary – shows you an alternative future.

One where you can ground yourself to the tangible space. Family and friends appear in your dreams to remind you of what you forget when you lose yourself in the intangible.

INFJ (Ni – Fe – Ti – Se)

Primordial archetypes and action-packed dreams build a unique world, one that you can only find in books. The INFJ foreshadows the future through complex paradigms and symbolic schemata that only he can decipher.

Your dreams tend to be intense and grounded in your real life. What might seem like a random depiction of events or the reorganization of your memories usually hides a deeper meaning.

One of the best candidates to use a dream journal. You’ll soon find out that specific patterns emerge, patterns that confess an overarching narrative.

You should also pay special attention to the sensory input. Extroverted Sensing will provide plenty!

ENFJ (Fe – Ni – Se – Ti)

The ENFJ possesses the unmatched ability to direct his dreams. Prone to lucid dreaming, it’s not uncommon for this charismatic character to take control.

Your introverted Ti remains dormant during your waking hours. But the judgemental, self-conscious nature of introverted Thinking can often torment you in your dreams.

It’d be a mistake to wiggle yourself out of an awkward situation like you always do use your eloquence and charisma. This time, allow things to play out, accept the consequences, and step away from the limelight.

INFP (Fi – Ne – Si – Te)

The peculiar, artistic nature of the INFP emerges ten times stronger in their dreams. The organizing Te will provide the direction they need to realize their potential.

A colorful life translates to colorful dreams. The key here is not to lose yourself in dreamland.

While it serves as an inspiration for your art, you can end up becoming a maladaptive daydreamer and indulge in your fantasies at the expense of real life.

During your sleep, the events you experienced during the day will appear slightly altered or outright weird. Observe them and notice how they relate to your values and emotions. Maybe you should’ve stood up for yourself more firmly instead of withdrawing?

ENFP (Ne – Fi – Te – Si)

Weird dreams. All dreams are weird, but the ENFPs take it to the next level.

But weird doesn’t mean nonsensical. Your psyche is populated by emotional egregores that come to life during your sleep.

You get to meet and interact with your preconceived notions about people. Your value judgments have flesh and bones.

Of course, how they manifest is subjective. It could be that they’re a whole crowd cheering you or judging you. It doesn’t matter. Simply listen! You better listen to them now.

INTJ (Ni – Te – Fi – Se)

The Ni-Se axis translates to violent dreams. The elements paint abstract visions that offer the Architect a way to reconcile his disciplined nature with his wild side.

Even though you have a reputation of being cold and calculated, your dreams break through your shell.
They’re an important tool for self-discovery, showing you what you ignore during the day. While your dreams are chaotic and intense, your visuospatial awareness helps you decodify them into applicable insight.

But that also means you’ll either follow your own advice or be tormented by your subconscious every night.

ENTJ (Te – Ni – Se – Fi)

Controlling the environment is the bread and butter of the ENTJ. But there’s a price to be paid, and that manifests as their inferior Feeling.

You guessed it. For you, dreams are a way to blow off steam and accept – or even experience – your suppressed emotions (Fi).

While you do a great job of keeping everything in line, it can mute the intricacies of your emotional body.

Your dreams are characterized by powerful emotions. Crying, laughing, screaming are a few ways you get to express them.

ISFP (Fi – Se – Ni – Te)

ISFPs project their artistic tendencies to everything they do. Their dreams are no different.

Your strong sense of self is translated to powerful insights. The Ni – Te part of your stack is at the forefront of your dreams, often spawning latent desires for control over the world of abstraction.

Dreams are either extremely surrealistic or mundane, from grabbing coffee with your friends to Inception-like, nested dreams. Albeit an introvert by nature, you’re drawn to the stage. All you need is the courage to walk up the stairs.

ESFP (Se – Fi – Te – Ni)

ESFPs dramatizes the common aspects of life, adding their flair to the world. Dreams are where they assume the role of the director and step away from the role of the protagonist.

Your dreams follow the hero’s journey — but the hero isn’t you! While you might find yourself on the sidelines, it’s better to be the observer and learn from the “performances” of your subconscious.

Be mindful of anxiety-driven dreams as they can often be a manifestation of latent anxiety in real life.

ISTP (Ti – Se – Ni – Fe)

Aloof yet caring, the ISTP mends and nurtures relationships.

The faces you see during your dreams are important to you. You can spend multiple nights trying to figure out other people and your relationship with them.

It’s imperative to give yourself enough room to breathe. Use a dream journal and meditate on your dreams.

But most importantly, share them with the people you care about. You’ll be surprised by how accurate some of your insights are.

ESTP (Se – Ti – Fe – Ni)

The Se – Ni axis drives transformation and symbolic death. For the ESTP, dreams are troublesome but highly rewarding.

What is merely a hunch in real life (Ni) becomes a tangible vision during your dreams, a grand rite you have to participate in.

If you manage to grasp the main message, you’ll wake up with a plan and a future. And as an ESTP, the last ingredient is your bread and butter; action.


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